The European Day of Languages is celebrated on September 26th.
Our school celebrated the European Day of Languages with various activities under the guidance of the school's foreign language teachers, Georgia Sylvoglou, Nari Chrysoula, Zdani Zafeira, Adamopoulou Styliani, Koutsika Nicoleta and Lala Styliani and under the supervision of our school director Dardakouli Chrysoula.
The students said greetings in many languages and filled in the language tree with words from different languages used in Greek. They presented favorite athletes and heroes of favorite movies and books in English, French and German. They also translated the titles of favorite movies and books in different languages. We learned the colors in different languages and used expressions with colors in English, French and German the three languages taught in our school. Our students listened to the song ʽpolyglotteʼ and did some activities. They also played the game ʽWhere am I?ʼ with European countries and languages.
Our students enjoyed the day working as a team.